rus tony totally gaming machine


A family business with over 35 years of experience in gaming

Founded in 1985, RUS TONY is the belgian reference for bar games. We specialize in games of chance that your customers want. We help our customers to increase their turnover by our tailormade advice and our award-winning gaming machines.

“We have helped thousands of bar owners over the years, improving the revenue of their bars and helping them to realize their dreams.”

Tony Rus, CEO of the Rus Tony Group.

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Upfront investment

Ready to partner up and achieve success?

Grow your turnover

Bring amusement to your bar!

Set yourself apart

Customers come to your business to relax and escape their busy life. Having a drink in good company is great but some customers are looking for extra excitement.

Our Bingo’s and Games with Reduced Stakes help to fill the need for those, who are looking for the extra experience in your business.

According to Belgian Gaming law, bar owners are allowed to have up to 2 bingos and 2 Games with Reduced Stakes (GRS) per bar, which helps you to grow your revenue without any risk.


  • Increased revenue for your bar
  • Timeless design
  • The most popular Games
  • Maximum stake of €6,25
  • Maximum profit of €500
  • License required

Games with Reduced Stakes (GRS)

  • Increased revenue for your bar
  • Fixed stake of 50 cents per game
  • Maximum profit of €6 per game
  • Payment in (consumption) tickets
  • License required

The most popular devices

Montana De Luxe

Montana De Luxe

Arizona R-Line

Arizona R-Line

Montana De Luxe 2

Montana De Luxe 2





Montana De Luxe

Montana De Luxe

Montana De Luxe 2

Montana De Luxe 2

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Arizona R-Line

Arizona R-Line



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Choosing for Rus Tony, is choosing for


Tailored advice

Our commercial advisors will be at your disposal. These are experts with a deep understanding of your clients, your bar and they support you with tailor-made advice for to choose the best machine for your bar.


The latest machines

We build our own machines, based on 40 years of experience and SPLIN©, the market leader in Belgium for cabinet development. Our developers are constantly looking for new user trends and innovation on the market. Since all of the production is done inhouse, we guarantee you the most popular machines, adapted to your requirements.

Financial Support

To make your projects come true

We believe in our customers. We put our money where our mouth is and we love to help in the further development of your business. We will help you to enable your establishment to its full potential.

7/7 Support

Always at your service

Installation, maintenance and reparation! Our technicians ensure that every machine functions perfectly and they are quick to react in case of issues. No matter where the machine is situated, you can count on us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What people say about us

I love the Montana (Deluxe 2). This is my favourite bingo!

Franck45 years old
Experienced player

Rus Tony has helped me to renovate my bar and on top we increased my revenue by putting bingo’s. I never want to go without anymore!

Mütlu36 years old
Bar owner

I was guided perfectly with the choice of the machines by Rus Tony. They know the market, I know my clients. People are playing all the time! I should have done this much earlier.

Chantal53 years old
Bar owner

Contact Us for more information!

Rus Tony Group’s latest news

The new HQ of Rus Tony Group

The new HQ of the Rus Tony Group is under construction and we are proud to reveal some details during our 1-minute with CEO, Tony Rus. Hi Tony, we’ve all seen the work that has already started and the teaser…
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New A-Class Mercedes

We strive to provide the best possible experience not only to our clients but also to our employees. That's why Rus Tony Group has recently acquired 10 new A-Class Mercedes cars.
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